Talking Friends Stop Motion|Bryant Oden - The Duck Song (Got Any Grapes?)

2017-03-12 61

BabyTV123 is a YouTube channel dedicated to children from the age of 1 to 5. By using happy songs and colorful animations, our videos will stimulate childrens .\r
Talking Friends by OutFit7 Music by Bryant Oden Animation by Vladislav Medvedev.\r
Funny songs: I Got a Pea (I Gotta Pea), a funny song by Bryant Oden. (Songdrops). Other funny songs by Bryant Oden include The Duck Song, Best Friends .\r
BabyTV123 is a YouTube channel dedicated to children from the age of 1 to 5. By using happy songs and colorful animations, our videos will stimulate childrens .\r

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